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» More Seattle Snow a-comin'

Light snow will start between 4 PM and 7 PM today.  Light, powdery snow will fall on a cold surface, so melting will be minimal.  With salt, plowing, and a bit of attention, local department of transportations should be able to ensure the main roads are in good shape by commute time tomorrow.  Here at the UW, many of the roads are icy and some buildings don’t have cleared paths–attention will be needed to make it ready for tomorrow.

But all this is a warm up for the real-threat tomorrow.

» “A Modest Snow Event Later Today; A Potentially Major Event Later Tomorrow (But Substantial Uncertainty)” on Cliff Mass Weather and Climate Blog

This is bonkers. It just doesn’t snow like this in Seattle.

The main roads were in pretty good shape when we walked the neighborhood earlier, but all the side streets are snowy with an icy layer underneath. If you go anywhere in Seattle, you need to either go up a hill or down a hill, or probably both, and a lot of the hills are icy or slushy. I’m not chancing a drive to work tomorrow, and it looks like that might be the right move this whole week. Oy.

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